12.10.2024. Budapest

Performance at the PONT Festival!

The musical tradition of Turkey – performance by János Sipos and mini-concert by Guessous Meşi
Fellow musicians: Dávid Eredics (wind instruments), Vajk Kobza (koboz, oud), Gerzson Dávid Boros (percussion instruments), Tamás Smuk (percussion instruments)

Time: 12:30-13:30
Location: Museum garden

An expert on the connection between Turkic and Hungarian folk music, János Sipos has collected data, motifs and melodies from Kyrgyzstan to Anatolia in the past 30 years. He charts deep-rooted patterns and parallels across the art of the ashiks of the Caucasus to Hungarian folk songs, uncovering a little-known folk treasury, first explored by Bartók. Majda Mária Guessous (Meşi) and her band illustrate the age-old Turkic melodies with their skilled performance.

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